Be Done With It: 2024 Trends People Are So Ove


Be Done With It”: People Are Sharing The 2024 Trends They Are So, So Over, And I Kind Of Agree

byu/idealistic-salmon from discussion

“It’s weird, clashes, and doesn’t look good overall. We did this a million years ago in the 90s. I thought we learned our lesson, but what’s old is new again, I guess.”

Recently, Reddit user idealistic-salmon asked, “What is a fashion trend currently ‘in’ that you’re already over?” People had some STRONG opinions about the trends they do NOT want to see cross over into 2025 — here’s what they had to say.

1. Barrel Jeans

“The barrel jeans have got to go. They’re the ugliest effing things I’ve ever seen. And people keep lying to these women about how they’re flattering, and I’m like, ‘No! You look bowlegged!'”

A pair of barrel jeans contrasted with classic straight-leg jeans.

2. “Vegan Leather”

“The successful rebranding of pleather as ‘vegan leather’ so they can charge the same as leather and fool their customers into believing they’re smart for spending $150 on fast-fashion pleather that’s gonna fall apart faster than the jacket can go out of style.”

One Redditor added, “I thrifted a pair of Stella McCartney Mary Janes, but the strap snapped immediately. I saw a ‘recycled leather’ jacket priced at nearly $1,000. Meanwhile, my actual leather items from over a decade ago are still in great condition.”

Faux leather jacket peeling vs. a vintage leather jacket in pristine condition.

3. Over-Brushed Eyebrows

“Eyebrows that are brushed upwards. That’s the only way I can think to describe it. I can’t see anything else when looking at someone who has that style of brows.”

4. Fake Freckles

“Be done with it.”

5. Super Long Acrylic Nails

“They seem really impractical.”

A side-by-side of long acrylic nails vs. short, natural manicures.

6. Socks With Everything

byu/idealistic-salmon from discussion

“I cannot get over the whole long white socks with shorts look. That’s what my father wears to go golfing.”

“Tucking your sweatpants into pulled-up socks? It’s weird, clashes, and doesn’t look good overall.”

7. The Broccoli Cut

“Please stop with getting a perm, bro, especially if you aren’t going to do the proper upkeep/nurturing/maintenance. And then topping off the perm with a bowl cut? Has everyone lost their damn minds?”

A collage of classic haircuts vs. modern “broccoli cuts.”

8. Ridiculous False Eyelashes

“I get it. I’ve got no problem with the ones that at least have a semblance of being natural. But the uber-thick ones that look like fur are just…pointless.”

9. Decorative Pimple Stickers

“Colorful pimple stickers shaped like stars, hearts, etc., look worse than what’s under them.”

10. Mullet and Mustache Combos

“Despite being the personification of poor life choices, the mullet and mustache combo somehow refuses to die.”

11. Tiny Sunglasses

“Can we get some UV protection here? They’re cute and all, but my eyeballs need more coverage.”

A pair of trendy micro-sunglasses vs. classic aviators.

12. Cropped Clothing

“I’m so annoyed because I can’t find any thin tees that aren’t cropped. It’s winter, and I like to wear them as base layers under sweaters.”

13. Crocs

“I am well aware of how comfortable they are, but they just look so bad and goofy to me.”  

A pair of Crocs in a bold color next to a sleek pair of sneakers.

14. Microtrends

byu/idealistic-salmon from discussion

“The bajillion different ‘aesthetics.’ Everybody looks the same, and nobody has a personal style anymore.”

Related Content:

Video Recommendation: Watch this TikTok compilation of the trends discussed above to see what people think in real-time.

For more, check out BuzzFeed Trending and take a BuzzFeed Quiz to find out which trend fits your style best!


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